School Council


Present: Michael McLucas, Nancy Sutera, Kimberly Cerbone, Cara Fidalgo, Daniela Faia, Ben Francavilla, Kristen Harris, Laurence Arinello, Tammy LaRosa, Elizabeth DiCarlo, Carlene Holloway

Absent: Anna Denning, Joseph Lento, Pierrette Revangil

SAFETY AND SECURITY: Mr. McLucas reviewed safety protocols with the Council, including fire drills, shelter in place, and evacuation procedures.

SCHOOL DEMOGRAPHICS: The Council reviewed a pie chart and data focused on demographics of students. The Whittier School is currently comprised of 667 students. 261 students are English Learners (39%), 88 students are on Individualized Education Programs (13%), and 20 students (2%) are on 504 Plans. Our students' home languages include Spanish (270 or 40%), Portuguese (176 or 26%), English (129 or 19%), Haitian Creole (25 or 3%), Arabic (14 or 2%), while a variety of others attribute to less than 2%.

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: Mr. McLucas informed the Council that the School Improvement Plan will be updated with Mid-Year Data from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessments and i-Ready assessments for reading and math. The key aspects of the plan include Academic, Social and Civic components. Winter data meetings commence January 22, 2020.

ATTENDANCE INCENTIVS: The Council was notified that we are currently averaging a rate of 4% of students for daily absences. Ms. Disario, guidance counselor, has established a bulletin board and several incentives to bolster student attendance, which has led to an overall improvement.

Administrators and counselors are collaborating with attendance supervisors regarding students with chronic absenteeism.

MIDDLE SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY BEE: The Council was informed the district middle school Geography Bee will be held at the Whittier School on Friday, February 7, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Norberg, Grade 7 and 8 Social Studies teacher, will be the emcee for the event.

ENGLISH LEARNERS PROGRAM: The Council was notified that English Learners have begun taking the WIDA ACCESS Test, which will conclude on February 7, 2020. This assessment will have an impact on MCAS points and students assigned levels for placement and instruction for the upcoming school year.

TITLE I: Mrs. Faia, Data Coach, informed the Council of the i-Ready assessments and the resources for teachers and students per reading and math scores.

NEW BUSINESS: The Council discussed the, Winter Carnival, upcoming Retirement of Caroline Cataldo, Grade 5 Teacher on 1/31/20, PTO Account, and Memorial Day Concert.

Meeting adjourned at 7:41 a.m. 

February 6 — Dental screenings
February 7 — Middle School Geography Bee at Whittier School, 9 a.m.
February 12 — School Council Meeting, 7 a.m.
February 12 — Winter Carnival, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.